This page provides postcode data for the E00151185 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 111 households with a population of about 289 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
WV4 4UJ | 52.56429 | -2.197647 | 386699 | 296292 | SO866962 | Yes |
WV4 4UP | 52.562696 | -2.19944 | 386577 | 296115 | SO865961 | Yes |
WV4 4UR | 52.562387 | -2.197909 | 386681 | 296080 | SO866960 | Yes |
WV4 4UT | 52.561099 | -2.199039 | 386604 | 295937 | SO866959 | Yes |
WV4 4UW | 52.563324 | -2.201602 | 386431 | 296185 | SO864961 | Yes |
WV4 4XD | 52.560322 | -2.206367 | 386107 | 295852 | SO861958 | Yes |
WV4 4XE | 52.559812 | -2.205126 | 386191 | 295795 | SO861957 | Yes |
WV4 4XF | 52.5629 | -2.206153 | 386122 | 296139 | SO861961 | Yes |
WV4 4XG | 52.568144 | -2.205917 | 386140 | 296722 | SO861967 | Yes |
WV4 4XH | 52.565789 | -2.230322 | 384485 | 296465 | SO844964 | Yes |
WV4 4XJ | 52.568473 | -2.222841 | 384993 | 296762 | SO849967 | Yes |
WV4 4XL | 52.571098 | -2.218458 | 385291 | 297053 | SO852970 | Yes |
WV4 4XN | 52.573521 | -2.209065 | 385928 | 297321 | SO859973 | Yes |
WV4 4XP | 52.571104 | -2.197752 | 386694 | 297050 | SO866970 | Yes |
WV4 4XQ | 52.565123 | -2.209704 | 385882 | 296387 | SO858963 | Yes |
WV4 4XR | 52.570727 | -2.199467 | 386578 | 297008 | SO865970 | Yes |
WV4 4XS | 52.568317 | -2.199529 | 386573 | 296740 | SO865967 | Yes |
WV4 4XT | 52.567961 | -2.197654 | 386700 | 296700 | SO867967 | No |
WV4 4XU | 52.568358 | -2.196608 | 386771 | 296744 | SO867967 | Yes |
WV4 4XW | 52.57132 | -2.199661 | 386565 | 297074 | SO865970 | Yes |
WV4 4XX | 52.569579 | -2.191966 | 387086 | 296879 | SO870968 | Yes |
WV4 4YA | 52.5556 | -2.202761 | 386350 | 295326 | SO863953 | Yes |
WV5 7JE | 52.55917 | -2.22241 | 385019 | 295727 | SO850957 | Yes |