This page provides postcode data for the E00149683 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 136 households with a population of about 406 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
WS11 2YA | 52.692607 | -2.003834 | 399838 | 310547 | SJ998105 | No |
WS11 2YB | 52.692607 | -2.003834 | 399838 | 310547 | SJ998105 | No |
WS11 2YF | 52.692787 | -2.005254 | 399742 | 310567 | SJ997105 | No |
WS11 2YG | 52.693443 | -2.003804 | 399840 | 310640 | SJ998106 | No |
WS11 2YJ | 52.693407 | -2.002842 | 399905 | 310636 | SJ999106 | No |
WS11 2YL | 52.693695 | -2.004307 | 399806 | 310668 | SJ998106 | No |
WS11 2YQ | 52.694755 | -2.002961 | 399897 | 310786 | SJ998107 | No |
WS11 2YZ | 52.692796 | -2.003464 | 399863 | 310568 | SJ998105 | No |
WS11 7YB | 52.692445 | -2.004307 | 399806 | 310529 | SJ998105 | Yes |
WS11 7YF | 52.692787 | -2.005254 | 399742 | 310567 | SJ997105 | Yes |
WS11 7YG | 52.693443 | -2.003804 | 399840 | 310640 | SJ998106 | Yes |
WS11 7YJ | 52.693407 | -2.002842 | 399905 | 310636 | SJ999106 | Yes |
WS11 7YL | 52.693766 | -2.004381 | 399801 | 310676 | SJ998106 | Yes |
WS11 7YQ | 52.694755 | -2.002961 | 399897 | 310786 | SJ998107 | Yes |
WS11 7YZ | 52.692733 | -2.003419 | 399866 | 310561 | SJ998105 | Yes |