This page provides postcode data for the E00146972 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 126 households with a population of about 266 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
TF11 8BZ | 52.675762 | -2.368461 | 375184 | 308737 | SJ751087 | Yes |
TF11 8GA | 52.675897 | -2.365549 | 375381 | 308751 | SJ753087 | No |
TF11 8TR | 52.675073 | -2.367553 | 375245 | 308660 | SJ752086 | Yes |
TF11 8TS | 52.675129 | -2.366755 | 375299 | 308666 | SJ752086 | Yes |
TF11 8TT | 52.675471 | -2.366684 | 375304 | 308704 | SJ753087 | Yes |
TF11 8TU | 52.676137 | -2.366423 | 375322 | 308778 | SJ753087 | Yes |
TF11 8TX | 52.675906 | -2.365549 | 375381 | 308752 | SJ753087 | Yes |
TF11 8TY | 52.674822 | -2.367181 | 375270 | 308632 | SJ752086 | Yes |
TF11 8WJ | 52.675906 | -2.365549 | 375381 | 308752 | SJ753087 | No |