This page provides postcode data for the E00135746 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 112 households with a population of about 218 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
PE38 0DG | 52.596007 | 0.38041 | 561327 | 302462 | TF613024 | Yes |
PE38 9BA | 52.59762 | 0.382095 | 561435 | 302645 | TF614026 | Yes |
PE38 9BB | 52.597955 | 0.38369 | 561542 | 302686 | TF615026 | Yes |
PE38 9BE | 52.595305 | 0.383147 | 561515 | 302390 | TF615023 | Yes |
PE38 9BG | 52.597499 | 0.383119 | 561505 | 302634 | TF615026 | Yes |
PE38 9FD | 52.596037 | 0.384723 | 561619 | 302475 | TF616024 | Yes |
PE38 9WL | 52.595843 | 0.388644 | 561885 | 302462 | TF618024 | Yes |