This page provides postcode data for the E00134943 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 123 households with a population of about 255 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
NR7 8JJ | 52.656068 | 1.327313 | 625138 | 311679 | TG251116 | Yes |
NR7 8JN | 52.655898 | 1.328883 | 625245 | 311665 | TG252116 | Yes |
NR7 8JW | 52.655273 | 1.329353 | 625280 | 311597 | TG252115 | Yes |
NR7 8LL | 52.654619 | 1.32957 | 625298 | 311525 | TG252115 | Yes |
NR7 8PG | 52.654934 | 1.330215 | 625340 | 311562 | TG253115 | Yes |
NR7 8PH | 52.654778 | 1.327127 | 625132 | 311535 | TG251115 | Yes |