This page provides postcode data for the E00133531 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 75 households with a population of about 195 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
PE10 0TL | 52.851371 | -0.348713 | 511295 | 329485 | TF112294 | Yes |
PE10 0TP | 52.851955 | -0.348067 | 511337 | 329551 | TF113295 | Yes |
PE10 0TR | 52.852292 | -0.347683 | 511362 | 329589 | TF113295 | Yes |
PE10 0TS | 52.852008 | -0.346698 | 511429 | 329559 | TF114295 | Yes |
PE10 0TT | 52.852563 | -0.341331 | 511789 | 329629 | TF117296 | Yes |
PE10 0TU | 52.848301 | -0.295577 | 514881 | 329227 | TF148292 | Yes |
PE10 0TX | 52.84848 | -0.285286 | 515573 | 329263 | TF155292 | Yes |