This page provides postcode data for the E00119305 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 144 households with a population of about 320 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SG14 2EX | 51.801355 | -0.107927 | 530561 | 213105 | TL305131 | Yes |
SG14 2EY | 51.801774 | -0.107127 | 530615 | 213153 | TL306131 | Yes |
SG14 2GD | 51.801301 | -0.107364 | 530600 | 213100 | TL305131 | No |
SG14 2GG | 51.801301 | -0.107364 | 530600 | 213100 | TL305131 | No |
SG14 2GT | 51.800295 | -0.107016 | 530627 | 212989 | TL306129 | Yes |
SG14 2HH | 51.80178 | -0.109186 | 530473 | 213150 | TL304131 | Yes |
SG14 2HJ | 51.801944 | -0.11047 | 530384 | 213166 | TL303131 | Yes |
SG14 2HQ | 51.801706 | -0.110755 | 530365 | 213139 | TL303131 | Yes |