This page provides postcode data for the E00118373 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 122 households with a population of about 308 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
EN8 8UW | 51.700977 | -0.028789 | 536319 | 202087 | TL363020 | Yes |
EN8 9AB | 51.702606 | -0.030976 | 536163 | 202264 | TL361022 | Yes |
EN8 9RF | 51.702022 | -0.030466 | 536200 | 202200 | TL361022 | No |
EN8 9RH | 51.701692 | -0.030104 | 536226 | 202164 | TL362021 | Yes |
EN8 9RJ | 51.701666 | -0.031219 | 536149 | 202159 | TL361021 | Yes |
EN8 9RL | 51.702296 | -0.030772 | 536178 | 202230 | TL361022 | Yes |
EN8 9RQ | 51.701531 | -0.029619 | 536260 | 202147 | TL362021 | Yes |