This page provides postcode data for the E00115025 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 124 households with a population of about 350 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
GU32 2BF | 51.009602 | -0.937137 | 474663 | 123895 | SU746238 | Yes |
GU32 2HL | 51.009994 | -0.937741 | 474620 | 123938 | SU746239 | Yes |
GU32 2HN | 51.010258 | -0.937761 | 474618 | 123967 | SU746239 | Yes |
GU32 2HP | 51.011276 | -0.939947 | 474463 | 124078 | SU744240 | Yes |
GU32 2HR | 51.012466 | -0.93958 | 474487 | 124211 | SU744242 | Yes |
GU32 2HW | 51.01047 | -0.93931 | 474509 | 123989 | SU745239 | Yes |
GU32 2JL | 51.009049 | -0.940656 | 474417 | 123830 | SU744238 | Yes |
GU32 2LF | 51.009681 | -0.940884 | 474400 | 123900 | SU744239 | No |