This page provides postcode data for the E00114473 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 125 households with a population of about 308 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
RG22 5HA | 51.238529 | -1.143219 | 459909 | 149165 | SU599491 | Yes |
RG22 5HB | 51.238954 | -1.144772 | 459800 | 149211 | SU598492 | Yes |
RG22 5JJ | 51.239359 | -1.142444 | 459962 | 149258 | SU599492 | Yes |
RG22 5JL | 51.23995 | -1.143364 | 459897 | 149323 | SU598493 | Yes |
RG22 5JN | 51.239145 | -1.142692 | 459945 | 149234 | SU599492 | Yes |
RG22 5LX | 51.239252 | -1.141272 | 460044 | 149247 | SU600492 | Yes |
RG22 5UA | 51.237063 | -1.142014 | 459995 | 149003 | SU599490 | Yes |
RG22 5UG | 51.237899 | -1.141956 | 459998 | 149096 | SU599490 | Yes |