This page provides postcode data for the E00113478 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 127 households with a population of about 252 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
GL4 6AT | 51.84143 | -2.222292 | 384782 | 215893 | SO847158 | Yes |
GL4 6AU | 51.842219 | -2.223341 | 384710 | 215981 | SO847159 | Yes |
GL4 6AX | 51.843018 | -2.222557 | 384764 | 216070 | SO847160 | Yes |
GL4 6BA | 51.842685 | -2.224113 | 384657 | 216033 | SO846160 | Yes |
GL4 6YN | 51.84218 | -2.224836 | 384607 | 215977 | SO846159 | Yes |
GL4 9AT | 51.84143 | -2.222292 | 384782 | 215893 | SO847158 | No |
GL4 9AU | 51.842237 | -2.223356 | 384709 | 215983 | SO847159 | No |
GL4 9AX | 51.842786 | -2.222908 | 384740 | 216044 | SO847160 | No |
GL4 9BA | 51.842685 | -2.224113 | 384657 | 216033 | SO846160 | No |
GL4 9YN | 51.842207 | -2.224821 | 384608 | 215980 | SO846159 | No |