This page provides postcode data for the E00113428 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 119 households with a population of about 272 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
GL2 0AA | 51.877766 | -2.215426 | 385267 | 219933 | SO852199 | Yes |
GL2 0AD | 51.87802 | -2.21425 | 385348 | 219961 | SO853199 | Yes |
GL2 0DA | 51.878653 | -2.216211 | 385213 | 220032 | SO852200 | Yes |
GL2 0DB | 51.879736 | -2.215101 | 385290 | 220152 | SO852201 | Yes |
GL2 0DD | 51.87889 | -2.21533 | 385274 | 220058 | SO852200 | Yes |
GL2 0DG | 51.878501 | -2.216969 | 385161 | 220015 | SO851200 | Yes |
GL2 0HY | 51.879425 | -2.21786 | 385100 | 220118 | SO850201 | Yes |
GL2 9HA | 51.878417 | -2.218175 | 385078 | 220006 | SO850200 | Yes |