This page provides postcode data for the E00113129 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 142 households with a population of about 294 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
GL15 5LT | 51.729864 | -2.530904 | 363430 | 203594 | SO634035 | Yes |
GL15 5LU | 51.728564 | -2.529093 | 363554 | 203449 | SO635034 | Yes |
GL15 5LX | 51.728747 | -2.528443 | 363599 | 203469 | SO635034 | Yes |
GL15 5LY | 51.729561 | -2.52828 | 363611 | 203559 | SO636035 | Yes |
GL15 5LZ | 51.729812 | -2.528384 | 363604 | 203587 | SO636035 | Yes |
GL15 5NF | 51.729146 | -2.53065 | 363447 | 203515 | SO634035 | Yes |