This page provides postcode data for the E00110008 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 143 households with a population of about 355 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
CO5 7HT | 51.857742 | 0.941097 | 602629 | 221773 | TM026217 | Yes |
CO5 7HU | 51.857393 | 0.939607 | 602528 | 221730 | TM025217 | Yes |
CO5 7HY | 51.855912 | 0.938044 | 602427 | 221561 | TM024215 | Yes |
CO5 7HZ | 51.85634 | 0.940701 | 602608 | 221616 | TM026216 | Yes |
CO5 7JA | 51.855545 | 0.939066 | 602499 | 221523 | TM024215 | Yes |
CO5 7JB | 51.853542 | 0.93895 | 602500 | 221300 | TM025212 | No |