This page provides postcode data for the E00109845 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 123 households with a population of about 294 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
CM1 5GP | 51.747771 | 0.495968 | 572400 | 208400 | TL724084 | No |
CM1 5JX | 51.748689 | 0.495482 | 572363 | 208501 | TL723085 | No |
CM1 5LA | 51.748259 | 0.49456 | 572301 | 208451 | TL723084 | No |
CM1 5ZB | 51.7487 | 0.49457 | 572300 | 208500 | TL722085 | No |
CM1 6JX | 51.748695 | 0.496077 | 572404 | 208503 | TL724085 | Yes |
CM1 6LA | 51.74825 | 0.494589 | 572303 | 208450 | TL723084 | Yes |