This page provides postcode data for the E00109538 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 128 households with a population of about 327 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
CM2 7BL | 51.718738 | 0.499088 | 572726 | 205179 | TL727051 | Yes |
CM2 7BP | 51.71854 | 0.499526 | 572757 | 205158 | TL727051 | Yes |
CM2 7DF | 51.719238 | 0.504328 | 573086 | 205247 | TL730052 | Yes |
CM2 7DP | 51.719167 | 0.501732 | 572907 | 205233 | TL729052 | Yes |
CM2 7DR | 51.718632 | 0.504888 | 573127 | 205181 | TL731051 | No |
CM2 7ET | 51.720829 | 0.501824 | 572907 | 205418 | TL729054 | Yes |
CM2 7EY | 51.719336 | 0.502668 | 572971 | 205254 | TL729052 | Yes |
CM2 7EZ | 51.719263 | 0.503562 | 573033 | 205248 | TL730052 | Yes |
CM2 7FF | 51.718842 | 0.503061 | 573000 | 205200 | TL729052 | No |