This page provides postcode data for the E00104272 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 130 households with a population of about 288 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
DT3 6BA | 50.644061 | -2.428759 | 369780 | 82796 | SY697827 | Yes |
DT3 6BG | 50.645491 | -2.425799 | 369990 | 82954 | SY699829 | Yes |
DT3 6BH | 50.644634 | -2.426968 | 369907 | 82859 | SY699828 | Yes |
DT3 6BQ | 50.64484 | -2.424294 | 370096 | 82881 | SY700828 | Yes |
DT3 6DT | 50.643461 | -2.428174 | 369821 | 82729 | SY698827 | Yes |
DT3 6LB | 50.644422 | -2.430499 | 369657 | 82837 | SY696828 | Yes |
DT3 6RU | 50.645186 | -2.423265 | 370169 | 82919 | SY701829 | Yes |
DT3 6SP | 50.643521 | -2.428881 | 369771 | 82736 | SY697827 | Yes |
DT4 8YZ | 50.645008 | -2.425656 | 370000 | 82900 | SY700829 | No |