This page provides postcode data for the E00098538 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 176 households with a population of about 481 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
S44 6QF | 53.236666 | -1.303122 | 446610 | 371297 | SK466712 | Yes |
S44 6RX | 53.235908 | -1.299568 | 446848 | 371215 | SK468712 | Yes |
S44 6RZ | 53.235902 | -1.300033 | 446817 | 371214 | SK468712 | Yes |
S44 6SA | 53.237109 | -1.300448 | 446788 | 371348 | SK467713 | Yes |
S44 6SB | 53.236756 | -1.301607 | 446711 | 371308 | SK467713 | Yes |
S44 6SD | 53.235259 | -1.300778 | 446768 | 371142 | SK467711 | Yes |
S44 6SE | 53.236417 | -1.300368 | 446794 | 371271 | SK467712 | Yes |