This page provides postcode data for the E00096807 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 101 households with a population of about 223 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
LA14 4HN | 54.133743 | -3.2195 | 320416 | 471565 | SD204715 | Yes |
LA14 4HW | 54.134043 | -3.22009 | 320378 | 471599 | SD203715 | Yes |
LA14 4HX | 54.135653 | -3.220903 | 320328 | 471779 | SD203717 | Yes |
LA14 4JD | 54.135128 | -3.221209 | 320307 | 471721 | SD203717 | Yes |
LA14 4JE | 54.135476 | -3.220607 | 320347 | 471759 | SD203717 | Yes |
LA14 4JF | 54.135837 | -3.221337 | 320300 | 471800 | SD203718 | No |