This page provides postcode data for the E00096353 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 134 households with a population of about 266 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
PL26 6EL | 50.289243 | -4.816098 | 199497 | 47048 | SW994470 | Yes |
PL26 6EN | 50.284104 | -4.809547 | 199942 | 46459 | SW999464 | Yes |
PL26 6EP | 50.273582 | -4.820804 | 199096 | 45320 | SW990453 | Yes |
PL26 6ER | 50.281249 | -4.827839 | 198627 | 46191 | SW986461 | Yes |
PL26 6ES | 50.29009 | -4.830738 | 198458 | 47182 | SW984471 | Yes |
PL26 6EX | 50.283972 | -4.836059 | 198053 | 46516 | SW980465 | Yes |
PL26 6HB | 50.293089 | -4.817254 | 199431 | 47479 | SW994474 | Yes |
PL26 6SD | 50.27917 | -4.805635 | 200200 | 45900 | SX001459 | No |
PL26 7AW | 50.303373 | -4.817649 | 199446 | 48623 | SW994486 | Yes |