This page provides postcode data for the E00095819 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 117 households with a population of about 250 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
PL27 7EE | 50.515972 | -4.841033 | 198685 | 72321 | SW986723 | Yes |
PL27 7EL | 50.517003 | -4.842647 | 198575 | 72440 | SW985724 | Yes |
PL27 7EN | 50.517796 | -4.844063 | 198478 | 72532 | SW984725 | Yes |
PL27 7EP | 50.517997 | -4.846896 | 198278 | 72562 | SW982725 | Yes |
PL27 7EW | 50.517411 | -4.845098 | 198403 | 72492 | SW984724 | Yes |
PL27 7EY | 50.518473 | -4.842128 | 198618 | 72602 | SW986726 | No |
PL27 7EZ | 50.518605 | -4.84263 | 198583 | 72618 | SW985726 | No |
PL27 7HA | 50.5183 | -4.842978 | 198557 | 72585 | SW985725 | Yes |
PL27 7HB | 50.518308 | -4.845928 | 198348 | 72594 | SW983725 | Yes |
PL27 7HE | 50.518606 | -4.844477 | 198452 | 72623 | SW984726 | Yes |
PL27 7XA | 50.516497 | -4.842009 | 198618 | 72382 | SW986723 | No |
PL27 7XE | 50.516345 | -4.841619 | 198645 | 72364 | SW986723 | Yes |