This page provides postcode data for the E00094908 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 148 households with a population of about 312 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
PL11 2HU | 50.372468 | -4.205185 | 243284 | 54833 | SX432548 | Yes |
PL11 2JD | 50.372842 | -4.206805 | 243170 | 54878 | SX431548 | Yes |
PL11 2NE | 50.374438 | -4.207554 | 243122 | 55057 | SX431550 | Yes |
PL11 2NF | 50.374519 | -4.207066 | 243157 | 55065 | SX431550 | Yes |
PL11 2NW | 50.372508 | -4.207802 | 243098 | 54843 | SX430548 | No |
PL11 2RE | 50.372803 | -4.207214 | 243141 | 54875 | SX431548 | Yes |