This page provides postcode data for the E00094869 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 109 households with a population of about 275 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
PL12 6BY | 50.413216 | -4.212144 | 242924 | 59378 | SX429593 | Yes |
PL12 6BZ | 50.414231 | -4.214106 | 242788 | 59495 | SX427594 | Yes |
PL12 6DA | 50.413343 | -4.213009 | 242863 | 59394 | SX428593 | Yes |
PL12 6DB | 50.413526 | -4.213313 | 242842 | 59415 | SX428594 | Yes |
PL12 6DD | 50.413673 | -4.21408 | 242788 | 59433 | SX427594 | Yes |
PL12 6DG | 50.413723 | -4.212407 | 242907 | 59435 | SX429594 | Yes |