This page provides postcode data for the E00093975 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 137 households with a population of about 273 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SK10 3EU | 53.265591 | -2.157382 | 389600 | 374300 | SJ895743 | No |
SK10 3FH | 53.265591 | -2.157382 | 389600 | 374300 | SJ895743 | No |
SK10 3FJ | 53.265591 | -2.157382 | 389600 | 374300 | SJ895743 | No |
SK10 3FL | 53.265591 | -2.157382 | 389600 | 374300 | SJ895743 | No |
SK10 3HD | 53.266193 | -2.157249 | 389609 | 374367 | SJ896743 | Yes |
SK10 3HE | 53.266461 | -2.15878 | 389507 | 374397 | SJ895743 | Yes |
SK10 3HF | 53.266938 | -2.158347 | 389536 | 374450 | SJ895744 | Yes |
SK10 3HG | 53.266741 | -2.157551 | 389589 | 374428 | SJ895744 | Yes |
SK10 3RY | 53.265265 | -2.158248 | 389542 | 374264 | SJ895742 | Yes |