This page provides postcode data for the E00088398 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 127 households with a population of about 298 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
MK42 8BB | 52.122012 | -0.48728 | 503663 | 248156 | TL036481 | Yes |
MK42 8BG | 52.121133 | -0.488873 | 503556 | 248056 | TL035480 | Yes |
MK42 8BQ | 52.120549 | -0.490324 | 503458 | 247989 | TL034479 | Yes |
MK42 8LW | 52.122378 | -0.485273 | 503800 | 248200 | TL038481 | No |
MK42 8NY | 52.121893 | -0.485079 | 503814 | 248146 | TL038481 | Yes |
MK42 8PD | 52.121574 | -0.48568 | 503774 | 248110 | TL037481 | Yes |
MK42 8PQ | 52.121517 | -0.488224 | 503600 | 248100 | TL035481 | No |