This page provides postcode data for the E00087175 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 116 households with a population of about 267 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SO19 8BE | 50.901638 | -1.355591 | 445411 | 111549 | SU454115 | No |
SO19 8ES | 50.900043 | -1.356708 | 445334 | 111371 | SU453113 | Yes |
SO19 8ET | 50.900139 | -1.356223 | 445368 | 111382 | SU453113 | Yes |
SO19 8EU | 50.900194 | -1.357929 | 445248 | 111387 | SU452113 | Yes |
SO19 8JR | 50.902777 | -1.356642 | 445336 | 111675 | SU453116 | Yes |
SO19 8JS | 50.901882 | -1.355886 | 445390 | 111576 | SU453115 | Yes |
SO19 8JT | 50.901515 | -1.356175 | 445370 | 111535 | SU453115 | Yes |
SO19 8PQ | 50.903083 | -1.356708 | 445331 | 111709 | SU453117 | Yes |
SO2 8ES | 50.900124 | -1.356664 | 445337 | 111380 | SU453113 | No |
SO2 8ET | 50.900104 | -1.356238 | 445367 | 111378 | SU453113 | No |
SO2 8EU | 50.900194 | -1.357929 | 445248 | 111387 | SU452113 | No |
SO2 8JR | 50.902777 | -1.356642 | 445336 | 111675 | SU453116 | No |
SO2 8JS | 50.901882 | -1.355886 | 445390 | 111576 | SU453115 | No |
SO2 8JT | 50.901515 | -1.356175 | 445370 | 111535 | SU453115 | No |
SO2 8PQ | 50.903083 | -1.356708 | 445331 | 111709 | SU453117 | No |
SO9 4PH | 50.901638 | -1.355591 | 445411 | 111549 | SU454115 | No |