This page provides postcode data for the E00087103 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 122 households with a population of about 318 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SO1 2PT | 50.923256 | -1.419131 | 440924 | 113916 | SU409139 | No |
SO1 2PU | 50.922876 | -1.418581 | 440963 | 113874 | SU409138 | No |
SO1 2PW | 50.923528 | -1.419483 | 440899 | 113946 | SU408139 | No |
SO1 2QN | 50.924167 | -1.419731 | 440881 | 114017 | SU408140 | No |
SO1 5FG | 50.921353 | -1.421687 | 440746 | 113703 | SU407137 | No |
SO1 5HS | 50.922532 | -1.421701 | 440744 | 113834 | SU407138 | No |
SO1 5HT | 50.922485 | -1.421445 | 440762 | 113829 | SU407138 | No |
SO1 5HU | 50.922374 | -1.420778 | 440809 | 113817 | SU408138 | No |
SO1 5HX | 50.923092 | -1.420413 | 440834 | 113897 | SU408138 | No |
SO1 5HY | 50.922824 | -1.420758 | 440810 | 113867 | SU408138 | No |
SO15 5FG | 50.921362 | -1.421687 | 440746 | 113704 | SU407137 | Yes |
SO15 5HS | 50.922378 | -1.421504 | 440758 | 113817 | SU407138 | Yes |
SO15 5HT | 50.922485 | -1.421445 | 440762 | 113829 | SU407138 | Yes |
SO15 5HU | 50.922428 | -1.42082 | 440806 | 113823 | SU408138 | Yes |
SO15 5HX | 50.923092 | -1.420413 | 440834 | 113897 | SU408138 | Yes |
SO15 5HY | 50.922824 | -1.420758 | 440810 | 113867 | SU408138 | Yes |
SO15 7PT | 50.923256 | -1.419131 | 440924 | 113916 | SU409139 | Yes |
SO15 7PU | 50.922876 | -1.418581 | 440963 | 113874 | SU409138 | Yes |
SO15 7PW | 50.923528 | -1.419483 | 440899 | 113946 | SU408139 | Yes |
SO15 7QN | 50.924167 | -1.419731 | 440881 | 114017 | SU408140 | Yes |