This page provides postcode data for the E00086988 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 140 households with a population of about 327 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SO19 7BP | 50.909964 | -1.360326 | 445070 | 112472 | SU450124 | Yes |
SO19 7BQ | 50.909889 | -1.359843 | 445104 | 112464 | SU451124 | Yes |
SO19 7BR | 50.910566 | -1.360275 | 445073 | 112539 | SU450125 | Yes |
SO19 7BS | 50.910784 | -1.358978 | 445164 | 112564 | SU451125 | Yes |
SO19 7BW | 50.911699 | -1.358709 | 445182 | 112666 | SU451126 | Yes |
SO19 7NR | 50.910402 | -1.358172 | 445221 | 112522 | SU452125 | Yes |
SO19 7RL | 50.910629 | -1.358638 | 445188 | 112547 | SU451125 | Yes |
SO2 7BP | 50.909964 | -1.360326 | 445070 | 112472 | SU450124 | No |
SO2 7BQ | 50.909889 | -1.359843 | 445104 | 112464 | SU451124 | No |
SO2 7BR | 50.910566 | -1.360275 | 445073 | 112539 | SU450125 | No |
SO2 7BS | 50.910784 | -1.358978 | 445164 | 112564 | SU451125 | No |
SO2 7BW | 50.911699 | -1.358709 | 445182 | 112666 | SU451126 | No |
SO2 7NR | 50.910446 | -1.358143 | 445223 | 112527 | SU452125 | No |
SO2 7RL | 50.910629 | -1.358638 | 445188 | 112547 | SU451125 | No |