This page provides postcode data for the E00086763 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 116 households with a population of about 345 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SO1 6EF | 50.936821 | -1.445831 | 439036 | 115410 | SU390154 | No |
SO1 6EN | 50.935802 | -1.445274 | 439076 | 115297 | SU390152 | No |
SO1 6EX | 50.93635 | -1.445125 | 439086 | 115358 | SU390153 | No |
SO1 6EY | 50.93623 | -1.444572 | 439125 | 115345 | SU391153 | No |
SO1 6EZ | 50.9364 | -1.444328 | 439142 | 115364 | SU391153 | No |
SO1 6FB | 50.936941 | -1.444606 | 439122 | 115424 | SU391154 | No |
SO16 5EF | 50.936821 | -1.445831 | 439036 | 115410 | SU390154 | Yes |
SO16 5EN | 50.935776 | -1.44528 | 439076 | 115294 | SU390152 | Yes |
SO16 5EX | 50.93635 | -1.445125 | 439086 | 115358 | SU390153 | Yes |
SO16 5EY | 50.93623 | -1.444572 | 439125 | 115345 | SU391153 | Yes |
SO16 5EZ | 50.9364 | -1.444328 | 439142 | 115364 | SU391153 | Yes |
SO16 5FB | 50.936904 | -1.444549 | 439126 | 115420 | SU391154 | Yes |