This page provides postcode data for the E00083253 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 145 households with a population of about 538 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SL1 3AJ | 51.524181 | -0.610432 | 496500 | 181500 | SU965815 | No |
SL1 3BD | 51.523681 | -0.613792 | 496268 | 181440 | SU962814 | Yes |
SL1 3BG | 51.524119 | -0.61127 | 496442 | 181492 | SU964814 | Yes |
SL1 3BH | 51.523065 | -0.612628 | 496350 | 181373 | SU963813 | Yes |
SL1 3BL | 51.523016 | -0.613048 | 496321 | 181367 | SU963813 | Yes |
SL1 3BQ | 51.523841 | -0.611322 | 496439 | 181461 | SU964814 | Yes |
SL1 3EF | 51.52273 | -0.611673 | 496417 | 181337 | SU964813 | Yes |
SL1 3EQ | 51.523029 | -0.614157 | 496244 | 181367 | SU962813 | Yes |
SL1 3HR | 51.523116 | -0.611647 | 496418 | 181380 | SU964813 | Yes |