This page provides postcode data for the E00083237 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 118 households with a population of about 362 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SL2 1BY | 51.529589 | -0.618384 | 495937 | 182091 | SU959820 | No |
SL2 1HD | 51.530427 | -0.617796 | 495976 | 182185 | SU959821 | Yes |
SL2 1HE | 51.53024 | -0.618739 | 495911 | 182163 | SU959821 | Yes |
SL2 1HH | 51.530058 | -0.620028 | 495822 | 182141 | SU958821 | Yes |
SL2 1HJ | 51.529922 | -0.622266 | 495667 | 182123 | SU956821 | Yes |
SL2 1HQ | 51.529852 | -0.620885 | 495763 | 182117 | SU957821 | Yes |
SL2 1HZ | 51.530311 | -0.617122 | 496023 | 182173 | SU960821 | Yes |
SL2 1JE | 51.530558 | -0.617446 | 496000 | 182200 | SU960822 | No |
SL2 1JH | 51.529589 | -0.618384 | 495937 | 182091 | SU959820 | No |
SL2 1JJ | 51.530558 | -0.617446 | 496000 | 182200 | SU960822 | No |
SL2 1JL | 51.529589 | -0.618384 | 495937 | 182091 | SU959820 | No |
SL2 1LX | 51.529589 | -0.618384 | 495937 | 182091 | SU959820 | No |
SL2 1PS | 51.529472 | -0.619916 | 495831 | 182076 | SU958820 | Yes |
SL2 1XX | 51.529589 | -0.618384 | 495937 | 182091 | SU959820 | No |
SL2 1YA | 51.529589 | -0.618384 | 495937 | 182091 | SU959820 | No |
SL2 1YD | 51.529589 | -0.618384 | 495937 | 182091 | SU959820 | No |