This page provides postcode data for the E00076150 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 144 households with a population of about 303 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
PL2 3RS | 50.400847 | -4.149383 | 247343 | 57872 | SX473578 | Yes |
PL2 3TN | 50.40219 | -4.148768 | 247391 | 58020 | SX473580 | Yes |
PL2 3TP | 50.402222 | -4.151373 | 247206 | 58029 | SX472580 | Yes |
PL2 3TS | 50.401409 | -4.148184 | 247430 | 57932 | SX474579 | Yes |
PL2 3TW | 50.401826 | -4.148484 | 247410 | 57979 | SX474579 | Yes |
PL2 3WY | 50.401826 | -4.148484 | 247410 | 57979 | SX474579 | No |
PL2 3WZ | 50.401826 | -4.148484 | 247410 | 57979 | SX474579 | No |
PL2 3YG | 50.401826 | -4.148484 | 247410 | 57979 | SX474579 | No |