This page provides postcode data for the E00071596 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 119 households with a population of about 268 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
TF1 3HP | 52.707145 | -2.529294 | 364335 | 312296 | SJ643122 | Yes |
TF1 3NR | 52.707653 | -2.530828 | 364232 | 312353 | SJ642123 | Yes |
TF1 3NU | 52.70925 | -2.531409 | 364194 | 312531 | SJ641125 | Yes |
TF1 3NZ | 52.708411 | -2.5302 | 364275 | 312437 | SJ642124 | Yes |
TF1 3PA | 52.70778 | -2.530429 | 364259 | 312367 | SJ642123 | Yes |
TF1 3PB | 52.709332 | -2.533157 | 364076 | 312541 | SJ640125 | Yes |