This page provides postcode data for the E00065901 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 118 households with a population of about 284 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
YO4 5BJ | 53.916845 | -0.922542 | 470866 | 447282 | SE708472 | No |
YO4 5BL | 53.916044 | -0.923354 | 470814 | 447192 | SE708471 | No |
YO4 5BN | 53.9146 | -0.923696 | 470794 | 447031 | SE707470 | No |
YO4 5BP | 53.912634 | -0.92399 | 470778 | 446812 | SE707468 | No |
YO4 5BQ | 53.911499 | -0.9237 | 470799 | 446686 | SE707466 | No |
YO4 5BR | 53.907926 | -0.901369 | 472272 | 446311 | SE722463 | No |
YO4 5BS | 53.912696 | -0.922908 | 470849 | 446820 | SE708468 | No |
YO4 5BW | 53.915135 | -0.924261 | 470756 | 447090 | SE707470 | No |
YO4 5BX | 53.917224 | -0.921619 | 470926 | 447325 | SE709473 | No |
YO4 5BY | 53.924522 | -0.907649 | 471831 | 448151 | SE718481 | No |
YO4 5DF | 53.914662 | -0.88618 | 473258 | 447076 | SE732470 | No |
YO4 5DJ | 53.916828 | -0.923608 | 470796 | 447279 | SE707472 | No |
YO41 4BJ | 53.916857 | -0.92264 | 470860 | 447283 | SE708472 | Yes |
YO41 4BL | 53.916054 | -0.923445 | 470808 | 447193 | SE708471 | Yes |
YO41 4BN | 53.914711 | -0.924028 | 470772 | 447043 | SE707470 | Yes |
YO41 4BP | 53.912634 | -0.92399 | 470778 | 446812 | SE707468 | Yes |
YO41 4BQ | 53.911499 | -0.9237 | 470799 | 446686 | SE707466 | Yes |
YO41 4BR | 53.912512 | -0.92241 | 470882 | 446800 | SE708468 | Yes |
YO41 4BS | 53.912697 | -0.922953 | 470846 | 446820 | SE708468 | Yes |
YO41 4BW | 53.915135 | -0.924261 | 470756 | 447090 | SE707470 | Yes |
YO41 4BX | 53.917224 | -0.921664 | 470923 | 447325 | SE709473 | Yes |
YO41 4BY | 53.925487 | -0.906055 | 471934 | 448260 | SE719482 | Yes |
YO41 4DF | 53.914866 | -0.886875 | 473212 | 447098 | SE732470 | Yes |
YO41 4DJ | 53.916846 | -0.923372 | 470811 | 447281 | SE708472 | Yes |
YO41 4HR | 53.907937 | -0.901391 | 472271 | 446312 | SE722463 | Yes |
YO41 4JX | 53.914559 | -0.923134 | 470831 | 447027 | SE708470 | Yes |