This page provides postcode data for the E00063075 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 118 households with a population of about 233 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
WA4 1QA | 53.384291 | -2.561582 | 362744 | 387641 | SJ627876 | Yes |
WA4 1RP | 53.385351 | -2.561746 | 362734 | 387759 | SJ627877 | Yes |
WA4 1RR | 53.38566 | -2.560532 | 362815 | 387793 | SJ628877 | Yes |
WA4 1RT | 53.386176 | -2.560238 | 362835 | 387850 | SJ628878 | Yes |
WA4 1XA | 53.385131 | -2.560645 | 362807 | 387734 | SJ628877 | Yes |
WA4 1XB | 53.384824 | -2.561062 | 362779 | 387700 | SJ627877 | Yes |
WA4 1XH | 53.384383 | -2.561026 | 362781 | 387651 | SJ627876 | Yes |
WA4 1XJ | 53.384825 | -2.560747 | 362800 | 387700 | SJ627876 | No |
WA4 1XQ | 53.384388 | -2.560109 | 362842 | 387651 | SJ628876 | Yes |
WA4 1YZ | 53.384405 | -2.560185 | 362837 | 387653 | SJ628876 | No |