This page provides postcode data for the E00062442 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 138 households with a population of about 307 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
WA8 7EZ | 53.371378 | -2.751721 | 350082 | 386321 | SJ500863 | Yes |
WA8 7HJ | 53.370811 | -2.754972 | 349865 | 386260 | SJ498862 | Yes |
WA8 7HY | 53.371428 | -2.753961 | 349933 | 386328 | SJ499863 | Yes |
WA8 7HZ | 53.371731 | -2.754387 | 349905 | 386362 | SJ499863 | Yes |
WA8 7JB | 53.371616 | -2.751274 | 350112 | 386347 | SJ501863 | Yes |
WA8 7JD | 53.371844 | -2.75218 | 350052 | 386373 | SJ500863 | Yes |
WA8 8HT | 53.370532 | -2.754967 | 349865 | 386229 | SJ498862 | Yes |