This page provides postcode data for the E00059064 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 144 households with a population of about 373 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
LS14 2EN | 53.835217 | -1.452932 | 436100 | 437801 | SE361378 | Yes |
LS14 2EP | 53.835462 | -1.453415 | 436068 | 437828 | SE360378 | Yes |
LS14 2FF | 53.833177 | -1.449378 | 436336 | 437576 | SE363375 | Yes |
LS14 2HG | 53.836319 | -1.452082 | 436155 | 437924 | SE361379 | Yes |
LS14 2HH | 53.835643 | -1.45165 | 436184 | 437849 | SE361378 | Yes |
LS14 2HJ | 53.835073 | -1.451019 | 436226 | 437786 | SE362377 | Yes |
LS14 2HN | 53.83582 | -1.449277 | 436340 | 437870 | SE363378 | Yes |
LS14 2HT | 53.833898 | -1.451399 | 436202 | 437655 | SE362376 | Yes |