This page provides postcode data for the E00058973 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 148 households with a population of about 311 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
LS23 6AA | 53.90413 | -1.343861 | 443207 | 445529 | SE432455 | Yes |
LS23 6AB | 53.903563 | -1.343824 | 443210 | 445466 | SE432454 | No |
LS23 6AD | 53.903179 | -1.342648 | 443288 | 445424 | SE432454 | Yes |
LS23 6AE | 53.90387 | -1.343971 | 443200 | 445500 | SE432455 | No |
LS23 6AF | 53.903646 | -1.342544 | 443294 | 445476 | SE432454 | No |
LS23 6AG | 53.903975 | -1.341869 | 443338 | 445513 | SE433455 | Yes |
LS23 6AH | 53.903402 | -1.340615 | 443421 | 445450 | SE434454 | Yes |
LS23 6AQ | 53.903145 | -1.341349 | 443373 | 445421 | SE433454 | Yes |
LS23 6AT | 53.902037 | -1.340849 | 443407 | 445298 | SE434452 | Yes |
LS23 6AU | 53.901491 | -1.33958 | 443491 | 445238 | SE434452 | Yes |
LS23 6BB | 53.902492 | -1.340249 | 443446 | 445349 | SE434453 | Yes |
LS23 6DT | 53.902369 | -1.343964 | 443202 | 445333 | SE432453 | Yes |
LS23 6EU | 53.902444 | -1.344618 | 443159 | 445341 | SE431453 | Yes |
LS23 6FD | 53.903867 | -1.343545 | 443228 | 445500 | SE432454 | Yes |
LS23 6HB | 53.90501 | -1.345481 | 443100 | 445626 | SE430456 | Yes |
LS23 6HL | 53.90187 | -1.343105 | 443259 | 445278 | SE432452 | Yes |
LS23 6PY | 53.90364 | -1.343046 | 443261 | 445475 | SE432454 | Yes |
LS23 6SS | 53.90256 | -1.341222 | 443382 | 445356 | SE433453 | Yes |
LS23 6SX | 53.903723 | -1.341721 | 443348 | 445485 | SE433454 | Yes |
LS23 6TB | 53.901752 | -1.339636 | 443487 | 445267 | SE434452 | Yes |
LS23 6TR | 53.90324 | -1.344032 | 443197 | 445430 | SE431454 | Yes |
LS23 6UQ | 53.904525 | -1.345498 | 443099 | 445572 | SE430455 | No |