This page provides postcode data for the E00058968 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 155 households with a population of about 388 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
LS23 6BE | 53.903017 | -1.354228 | 442527 | 445399 | SE425453 | Yes |
LS23 6DL | 53.90199 | -1.357074 | 442341 | 445283 | SE423452 | Yes |
LS23 6PP | 53.903438 | -1.357204 | 442331 | 445444 | SE423454 | Yes |
LS23 6PT | 53.901933 | -1.358217 | 442266 | 445276 | SE422452 | Yes |
LS23 6PU | 53.903444 | -1.358376 | 442254 | 445444 | SE422454 | Yes |
LS23 6PX | 53.902795 | -1.357914 | 442285 | 445372 | SE422453 | Yes |
LS23 6PZ | 53.902492 | -1.355042 | 442474 | 445340 | SE424453 | Yes |
LS23 6RT | 53.903143 | -1.355854 | 442420 | 445412 | SE424454 | Yes |
LS23 6RX | 53.902176 | -1.359887 | 442156 | 445302 | SE421453 | Yes |
LS23 6TL | 53.903815 | -1.355494 | 442443 | 445487 | SE424454 | Yes |