This page provides postcode data for the E00058756 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 188 households with a population of about 479 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
LS14 1DB | 53.824753 | -1.483365 | 434106 | 436622 | SE341366 | Yes |
LS14 1EN | 53.825023 | -1.483438 | 434101 | 436652 | SE341366 | Yes |
LS14 1FZ | 53.823896 | -1.48052 | 434294 | 436528 | SE342365 | Yes |
LS14 1GB | 53.824224 | -1.479543 | 434358 | 436565 | SE343365 | Yes |
LS14 1GF | 53.824326 | -1.480271 | 434310 | 436576 | SE343365 | Yes |
LS14 1GG | 53.823789 | -1.478531 | 434425 | 436517 | SE344365 | Yes |
LS14 1GH | 53.823998 | -1.47906 | 434390 | 436540 | SE343365 | Yes |
LS14 1HU | 53.824902 | -1.482128 | 434187 | 436639 | SE341366 | Yes |
LS14 1HX | 53.82521 | -1.483041 | 434127 | 436673 | SE341366 | Yes |
LS14 1HY | 53.824925 | -1.483313 | 434109 | 436641 | SE341366 | No |
LS14 1JL | 53.823421 | -1.478794 | 434408 | 436476 | SE344364 | Yes |
LS14 1JN | 53.823633 | -1.477389 | 434500 | 436500 | SE344365 | No |