This page provides postcode data for the E00058503 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 129 households with a population of about 293 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
LS28 8LT | 53.78816 | -1.667347 | 422014 | 432478 | SE220324 | Yes |
LS28 8LX | 53.787631 | -1.668064 | 421967 | 432419 | SE219324 | Yes |
LS28 8LY | 53.787252 | -1.66749 | 422005 | 432377 | SE220323 | Yes |
LS28 8NA | 53.786909 | -1.667816 | 421984 | 432339 | SE219323 | Yes |
LS28 8NB | 53.786514 | -1.667026 | 422036 | 432295 | SE220322 | Yes |
LS28 8ND | 53.787141 | -1.666171 | 422092 | 432365 | SE220323 | Yes |
LS28 8NF | 53.787214 | -1.666777 | 422052 | 432373 | SE220323 | Yes |
LS28 8NG | 53.787528 | -1.666487 | 422071 | 432408 | SE220324 | Yes |
LS28 8NQ | 53.787597 | -1.66643 | 422075 | 432416 | SE220324 | Yes |