This page provides postcode data for the E00057848 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 130 households with a population of about 270 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
LS4 2JG | 53.809075 | -1.58378 | 427506 | 434834 | SE275348 | Yes |
LS4 2JH | 53.80921 | -1.584663 | 427448 | 434849 | SE274348 | Yes |
LS4 2JN | 53.809622 | -1.584173 | 427480 | 434895 | SE274348 | Yes |
LS4 2JQ | 53.8091 | -1.583845 | 427502 | 434837 | SE275348 | Yes |
LS4 2JT | 53.808573 | -1.584211 | 427478 | 434778 | SE274347 | Yes |
LS4 2JU | 53.807775 | -1.584978 | 427428 | 434689 | SE274346 | Yes |
LS4 2JY | 53.807984 | -1.585371 | 427402 | 434712 | SE274347 | Yes |