This page provides postcode data for the E00057501 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 167 households with a population of about 375 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
LS15 0DJ | 53.795324 | -1.47015 | 435000 | 433354 | SE350333 | Yes |
LS15 0DP | 53.794994 | -1.47061 | 434970 | 433317 | SE349333 | Yes |
LS15 0JW | 53.79169 | -1.467479 | 435179 | 432951 | SE351329 | Yes |
LS15 0JY | 53.792183 | -1.467048 | 435207 | 433006 | SE352330 | Yes |
LS15 0LB | 53.796093 | -1.469078 | 435070 | 433440 | SE350334 | Yes |
LS15 0LF | 53.796252 | -1.468898 | 435082 | 433458 | SE350334 | Yes |
LS15 0LG | 53.795214 | -1.469696 | 435030 | 433342 | SE350333 | Yes |
LS15 0LH | 53.792496 | -1.468729 | 435096 | 433040 | SE350330 | Yes |
LS15 0LJ | 53.792688 | -1.469485 | 435046 | 433061 | SE350330 | Yes |
LS15 0LL | 53.79216 | -1.470069 | 435008 | 433002 | SE350330 | Yes |
LS15 0LQ | 53.795158 | -1.469211 | 435062 | 433336 | SE350333 | Yes |
LS15 0XA | 53.795731 | -1.468627 | 435100 | 433400 | SE350333 | No |
LS15 0XB | 53.795731 | -1.468627 | 435100 | 433400 | SE350333 | No |