This page provides postcode data for the E00057139 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 135 households with a population of about 321 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
LS15 7JH | 53.798736 | -1.477824 | 434492 | 433730 | SE344337 | Yes |
LS15 7JJ | 53.799306 | -1.478314 | 434459 | 433793 | SE344337 | Yes |
LS15 7JL | 53.799257 | -1.479408 | 434387 | 433787 | SE343337 | Yes |
LS15 7JN | 53.799732 | -1.479204 | 434400 | 433840 | SE344338 | Yes |
LS15 7JU | 53.799138 | -1.479029 | 434412 | 433774 | SE344337 | Yes |
LS15 7UG | 53.799138 | -1.479029 | 434412 | 433774 | SE344337 | Yes |
LS9 0EJ | 53.800555 | -1.478283 | 434460 | 433932 | SE344339 | Yes |
LS9 0EL | 53.800322 | -1.478499 | 434446 | 433906 | SE344339 | Yes |
LS9 0EW | 53.800131 | -1.482114 | 434208 | 433883 | SE342338 | Yes |