This page provides postcode data for the E00054342 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 50 households with a population of about 117 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
LS29 6BE | 53.891324 | -1.720742 | 418451 | 443941 | SE184439 | Yes |
LS29 6BG | 53.892424 | -1.718498 | 418598 | 444064 | SE185440 | Yes |
LS29 6BH | 53.892163 | -1.718195 | 418618 | 444035 | SE186440 | Yes |
LS29 6BJ | 53.892468 | -1.717782 | 418645 | 444069 | SE186440 | Yes |
LS29 6BQ | 53.891902 | -1.717878 | 418639 | 444006 | SE186440 | Yes |
LS29 6DU | 53.89085 | -1.725675 | 418127 | 443887 | SE181438 | Yes |
LS29 6DY | 53.892859 | -1.727518 | 418005 | 444110 | SE180441 | Yes |
LS29 6FH | 53.891209 | -1.721412 | 418407 | 443928 | SE184439 | Yes |
LS29 6FN | 53.891218 | -1.721382 | 418409 | 443929 | SE184439 | No |
LS29 6FP | 53.891218 | -1.721382 | 418409 | 443929 | SE184439 | No |