This page provides postcode data for the E00051645 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 142 households with a population of about 378 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
B90 2AU | 52.405447 | -1.83528 | 411303 | 278617 | SP113786 | No |
B90 2AZ | 52.404708 | -1.834665 | 411345 | 278535 | SP113785 | Yes |
B90 2BG | 52.404379 | -1.837048 | 411183 | 278498 | SP111784 | Yes |
B90 2DR | 52.405279 | -1.837353 | 411162 | 278598 | SP111785 | Yes |
B90 2EN | 52.405447 | -1.83528 | 411303 | 278617 | SP113786 | No |
B90 2JN | 52.406656 | -1.838745 | 411067 | 278751 | SP110787 | Yes |
B90 2JP | 52.405992 | -1.839452 | 411019 | 278677 | SP110786 | Yes |