This page provides postcode data for the E00049311 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 131 households with a population of about 290 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
DY8 5XB | 52.47554 | -2.145313 | 390227 | 286411 | SO902864 | Yes |
DY8 5XD | 52.474978 | -2.145643 | 390204 | 286349 | SO902863 | Yes |
DY8 5XE | 52.475264 | -2.147116 | 390104 | 286381 | SO901863 | Yes |
DY8 5XF | 52.474606 | -2.148203 | 390030 | 286308 | SO900863 | Yes |
DY8 5XH | 52.474725 | -2.146643 | 390136 | 286321 | SO901863 | Yes |
DY8 5XT | 52.473667 | -2.14427 | 390297 | 286203 | SO902862 | Yes |