This page provides postcode data for the E00049298 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 123 households with a population of about 280 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
DY8 5TX | 52.478344 | -2.150189 | 389896 | 286724 | SO898867 | Yes |
DY8 5UB | 52.478174 | -2.149055 | 389973 | 286705 | SO899867 | Yes |
DY8 5UD | 52.477857 | -2.1511 | 389834 | 286670 | SO898866 | Yes |
DY8 5UE | 52.477615 | -2.150775 | 389856 | 286643 | SO898866 | Yes |
DY8 5UG | 52.477683 | -2.149413 | 389949 | 286650 | SO899866 | Yes |
DY8 5UL | 52.476672 | -2.150021 | 389907 | 286538 | SO899865 | Yes |
DY8 5UQ | 52.477264 | -2.150612 | 389867 | 286604 | SO898866 | Yes |