This page provides postcode data for the E00049293 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 137 households with a population of about 361 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
DY5 3AZ | 52.480764 | -2.128912 | 391342 | 286990 | SO913869 | Yes |
DY5 3RU | 52.479377 | -2.135454 | 390897 | 286837 | SO908868 | Yes |
DY5 3RX | 52.479524 | -2.135785 | 390875 | 286853 | SO908868 | Yes |
DY5 3RY | 52.480801 | -2.135715 | 390880 | 286995 | SO908869 | Yes |
DY5 3SS | 52.480631 | -2.132321 | 391110 | 286976 | SO911869 | Yes |
DY5 3ST | 52.48108 | -2.132014 | 391131 | 287026 | SO911870 | Yes |
DY5 3SZ | 52.480354 | -2.133755 | 391013 | 286945 | SO910869 | Yes |
DY5 3TS | 52.480649 | -2.131865 | 391141 | 286978 | SO911869 | No |
DY5 3XN | 52.482465 | -2.131767 | 391148 | 287180 | SO911871 | Yes |