This page provides postcode data for the E00039496 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 107 households with a population of about 200 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
S64 8BB | 53.485908 | -1.309204 | 445936 | 399021 | SK459990 | Yes |
S64 8BD | 53.486638 | -1.308151 | 446005 | 399103 | SK460991 | Yes |
S64 8BG | 53.486004 | -1.30866 | 445972 | 399032 | SK459990 | Yes |
S64 8TU | 53.484791 | -1.308904 | 445957 | 398897 | SK459988 | Yes |
S64 8TX | 53.485825 | -1.307425 | 446054 | 399013 | SK460990 | Yes |
S64 8TY | 53.485526 | -1.306993 | 446083 | 398980 | SK460989 | Yes |
S64 9LQ | 53.485713 | -1.308241 | 446000 | 399000 | SK460989 | No |